Multi-venue, multi-site, multi-function sites
If you run three or more sites or outlets, you’ll know that with greater rewards come greater management overheads.
Consolidation is the key, being able to combine the running of multiple outlets into a single system, only having to do things once, and being able to scale up as your empire grows. But that doesn’t mean treating the whole business as a single, homogenous entity – if you want to have a public holiday promotion in NSW, but it’s a working day in Victoria, you don’t want to be tied to a ‘one size fits all’ management system.
FutureNet Convenience helps you manage your multi-site business efficiently. Unlike some POS providers, whose ‘multi-site’ functionality in reality only means three sites, FutureNet offers true multi-site management, all without the need for a big IT department, or massive network cost and complexity.
Tasks like item maintenance, pricing, cost allocation, and management of membership and loyalty programs can all be done centrally and implemented locally. You can consolidate membership so that your members can earn and use their points in any venue.
You can zone your stores/venues, and sell different products, or use different pricing in each zone. You can respond to local requirements, and tailor your promotions to run in selected outlets or zones only.
Your venues are linked with a single controller and reporting is consolidated, giving you a bird’s eye view of your business, and the ability to drill down into individual sites.
“I decided on FutureNet Convenience Controller to manage my network of SPAR stores and it has made a big difference to the running of my business. With the reporting in Convenience I can compare sales and margins, across departments or between stores. ”